The Characters

Characters change so much throughout books. In The Hunger Games we see how the main character takes a drastic leap from who they started as.

We have KATNISS EVERDEEN. Katniss started off as the rebellious teenager, who hunted out of district (2 things of which are illegal in Panem). She never dreamed her name would be picked for the reaping let alone her sister's. When Prim's name was picked and Katniss volunteered for tribute, it was the beginning of the end for her. Katniss needed to develop social skills. She has never been a good people person, especially with people she doesn't like (meaning the Capitol). Katniss uses her hunting skills which she adapted originally from her late father and then later from her best friend Gale.she uses these skills to survive. about halfway through the games Katniss is allied with Peeta. Katniss' mother is a healer (type of doctor), Katniss believes she has inherited nothing from her mother but Peeta counters this. He makes his case by observing how instinctly Katniss is healing Peeta's wounded knee. She uses her new found skill throughout the course of the games. Katniss also plays along with Haymitch's idea of Her and Peeta being a couple; but somewhere along the way did that act turn into reality? By the end of the games Katniss and Peeta are the only two survivors, her final act in rebellion is against the Capitol is to have both tributes die so there is no winner. The viewers believe this is an act of love between her and Peeta; neither wanting to live without the other. But was Katniss acting out of love? or was it out of hatred for the Capitol? all in all Katniss Everdeen goes from being the rebelling, starving, District 12 hunter girl, to becoming, the spectacular, hunter star-crossed lover, that all of Panem now knows her to be.

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